

Arnoldo Foà
Arnoldo Foà
Inspector A
Jess Hahn
Jess Hahn
Second Assistant Inspector
Billy Kearns
Billy Kearns
First Assistant Inspector
Madeleine Robinson
Madeleine Robinson
Mrs. Grubach
Jeanne Moreau
Jeanne Moreau
Marika Burstner
Maurice Teynac
Maurice Teynac
Deputy Manager
Suzanne Flon
Suzanne Flon
Miss Pittl
Max Buchsbaum
Max Buchsbaum
Examining Magistrate
Carl Studer
Carl Studer
Man in Leather
Max Haufler
Max Haufler
Uncle Max
Fernand Ledoux
Fernand Ledoux
Chief Clerk of the Law Court
Thomas Holtzmann
Thomas Holtzmann
Bert the Law Student
Wolfgang Reichmann
Wolfgang Reichmann
Courtroom Guard
Orson Welles
Orson Welles
Albert Hastler - The Advocate / рассказчик
Guy Grosso
Guy Grosso
Josef K.'s Colleague, not listed in credits
Paola Mori
Paola Mori
Court Archivist, not listed in creditsа


Robert Florat
Robert Florat
ассоциированный продюсер
Alexander Salkind
Alexander Salkind
продюсер (in credits: Alexandre Salkind)
Michael Salkind
Michael Salkind
продюсер (in credits: Michel Salkind)
