Plot Summary

Charming American Reggie Lambert, filing for divorce, leaving the resort, where he meets an attractive stranger Peter Joshua. Back in Paris waiting for her terrible news: her husband was killed under mysterious circumstances, and all the family savings were withdrawn from the Bank account and disappeared in an unknown direction... And that in the life of the heroine for the second time (coincidence?) it appears as a recent acquaintance under another name, followed by a crowd of "comrades" of her late husband, eager to get a tidy sum, which her pious stolen during World War II. All her pursuers are confident that she certainly knows the whereabouts of the ill-fated inheritance. As soon as the hunters "spoils of war" begin to die one by one, Regina is becoming more difficult to figure out who she can trust.

Did You Know?

Audrey Hepburn (1929-1993) once said that the scene in which her character stain the suit Alex ice cream, taken from real life. Once at the reception she accidentally spilled wine on the suit Cary Grant (1904-1986).

Initially Cary Grant had refused to star in the film. He felt that with his age (he was 59) he looks like a man, pursuing the heroine Audrey Hepburn, which is much younger than him. Screenplay by Peter stone announced the actor that will rewrite the script, after which the Grant has removed all objections. As it turned out, stone just "handed" everything is ambiguous replica of the character of the heroine, Grant Hepburn.

The young man in the Elevator in the Embassy building that speaks of poker, this screenplay by Peter stone, on which it imposed the voice of Director Stanley Donen.

When the heroine is Audrey Hepburn Smoking a cigarette in the empty apartment, there comes the character played by Cary Grant. In this stage, the tips of the ears of the actor stuck to head with tape, as located behind the soffits they literally glowed red and conspicuous.

Given that Cary Grant was almost 60 years old and his body is slightly explode, we decided that he would make in clothing. First take convinced the filmmakers and actors, what even funnier.

The film shows the copy is really very rare, and therefore valuable brands.

When the heroine Audrey Hepburn is in a nightclub, in the background you can see the then husband of actress Mel Ferrer (1917-2008), who smokes a cigarette.