Plot Summary

Nestor severs fails the exam in graduate school and goes to work as a teacher in evening school. He became a class teacher of the 9th "A" — "amazing, beautiful, crazy" class. At first, far from the Madding crowd, Nestor Petrovich began his adult life concerns of students

Did You Know?

During a football match the player in red uniform breaks the rules, the judge shall appoint 11-meter strike that breaks again a player in red.

Originally the film was to be called "adventures of a schoolteacher". The Minister of education, M. Prokofiev after the letters of teachers, disgruntled by the fact of filming the Comedy film about teachers, I asked the Director to change the name. In the crew was a competition with the prize — a bottle of brandy. Won operator Anatoly Mukasey, who suggested the name "Big break".

In the book George Sadovnikov "Go to people" on which the film was made, the character Yevgeny Leonov (Lednev) was a woman — Nellie Ledneva went to school with his mother, and in different classes. The character of Alexander zbrueva (Ganja) in the book appeared only once, in the scene of the expulsion from the toilet. Heroes Savely KRAMAROVA (Timokhin) and Irina Azer (Lyuska) did not exist.

Gregory Ganja burn right hand. Bandage he already left. In the next scene, when he meets Svetlana Afanasievna he has a bandaged right hand. Then together they enter the apartment. Again bandaged left hand.

The role of Nestor Petrovich auditioned: Andrey Myagkov Konstantin Raykin, Eugene Karelian.

The role of Petrykina was approved by Viktor Pavlov, and only after his refusal was invited Rolan Bykov.

The shooting took place in Yaroslavl, at the Yaroslavl refinery and the Yaroslavl tire plant.

Royalties to the actors for shooting the movie were paid the following amounts: Kononov — 4926 rubles