Plot Summary

Eliza for decent money becomes for a few days the old mistress of the rich. The profession she was. One day she refuses the next meeting does not fly to London to go to his new apartment in the fashionable house. Standing on the floor, he meets a man named Miguel who tried to open the doors of the broken Elevator. Night Eliza hears the cries of this Miguel was arguing with his wife. A little later he heard some scuffling and Eliza decided to see what was going on and it was a fatal mistake. Opening the door, the woman saw Miguel, which resets the corpse of his wife in the Elevator shaft. Now she witnessed the murder, and the murderer will not leave her alone. He breaks into her apartment and offers two solutions: either he kills her or she becomes his partner and helps cover their tracks. Naturally, she chooses the latter and together they successfully get rid of the corpse. But she does not know that Miguel told her not all and that this story will have a very unexpected outcome