Plot Summary

Viktor Sereda, the school authority in all that relates to the exact Sciences, talks about his project of flight to the constellation Cassiopeia on a spaceship "dawn". In fact, nothing would have happened if suddenly there was a mysterious person who presented himself as I. O. O., which means performing specific responsibilities. As it turned out, of children 14 years or younger recruited a team (six people) for... flight in space. Why children must be under the age of 14? Yes, because the flight there and back for children is over fifty years old, and the Earth and all will be a century. And everything went according to plan, if the ship was not the seventh member is secretly made his way there bully Fyodor Lobanov, Creator of superglue

Did You Know?

The episode in which PSI throws a pebble in the water — a reference to a similar scene from the film "the Night visitor" (1958) based on the short story by Yuri Nagibin. In both films, the hero here appears in the night, unexpectedly and uninvited. In the film "Little tragedies" (1979) Michael Schweitzer (which also starred say) a pebble in the water throws Mephistopheles.

For the filming of the episode in which the hero runs through the walls and ceiling, made a special large diameter pipe, which rotates around its axis. The camera was fixed inside the pipe, and moving the actor moved actually only horizontally. The actor sitting in the background was assigned to a special corset to the pipe, which created the effect that he is in one place.

Originally there was a single script, without division into two films, but when the amount of footage exceeded the standard duration of the Soviet film, Goskino of the USSR received permission to remove two: "Moscow-Kassiopeya" (1973) and "Adolescents in the Universe" (1974).

Москва-Кассиопея Photos

  • Москва-Кассиопея Image 1
  • Москва-Кассиопея Image 2
  • Москва-Кассиопея Image 3
  • Москва-Кассиопея Image 4
  • Москва-Кассиопея Image 5
  • Москва-Кассиопея Image 6