Plot Summary

Aliens from a dying galaxy decide to move to the Ground, destroying it before its population. The main weapon of the aggressors — a huge Mechagodzilla, armed with laser and rockets. In addition, on the side of the aliens over Professor Mafune controlling Titanosaur — a huge monster amphibian. For Godzilla this fight promises to be difficult

Did You Know?

This is the second film with the participation of Mechagodzilla and first and only with the participation of monster Titanosaurus. Besides this is the last film of the Showa series of films about Godzilla.

"The terror of Mechagodzilla" (1975) — the last film of Godzilla, directed Isiro Honda. In 1993, Honda was to direct the film "Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla-2" (1993), but he died in the same year.

The last film, which starred Akihiko Hirata. In 1984 he was supposed to star in the next film of Godzilla, but in the same year the actor died.

This film was the debut Tomoko AI in a feature film. Prior to that, she starred in the TV series "Urutoraman Reo" (1974), which also featured giant monsters.

In the original scenario, Titanosaurus was a dinosaur two "Titans", which only later was to unite in one giant Titanosaur. But due to budget constraints and lack of scenarios for the right moment to combine dinosaurs, this aspect was rejected.

"Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla" (1974) and "the Terror of Mechagodzilla" (1975) — the darkest films in the Showa series of Godzilla movies after Godzilla (1954).

From the movie carved the time, like Godzilla sinks the ship, very similar to the Titanic.

This is the first film where the soundtrack uses the original artwork of Akira, Ifukube since the movie "Godzilla: the Parade of monsters" (1968). Prior to that, the music written by Ifukube, was to be used in the movie "Godzilla against Gaigan" (1972), but fails due to low ratings.

When the film was ready for showing in the US, it was a cut scene of suicides, due to the increased number of teen suicides. Also from the film was cut out a fragment, which the aliens had surgery Katsura, as in the frame was her prosthetic breast.

Actor Kazumi Nimilote playing Titanosaur, sometimes wore the costume backwards to give the monster movement, less like human movement.

Mekagojira no gyakushu Photos

  • Mekagojira no gyakushu Image 1
  • Mekagojira no gyakushu Image 2
  • Mekagojira no gyakushu Image 3
  • Mekagojira no gyakushu Image 4
  • Mekagojira no gyakushu Image 5
  • Mekagojira no gyakushu Image 6