
Charles Chaplin
Charles Chaplin
Gentleman / «Nora Nettlerash»
Billy Armstrong
Billy Armstrong
Father's Friend, not listed in credits
Marta Golden
Marta Golden
Her Mother, not listed in creditsа
Charles Inslee
Charles Inslee
Her Father, not listed in credits
Edna Purviance
Edna Purviance
Daughter of the House, not listed in creditsа
Margie Reiger
Margie Reiger
Father's Lady Friend, not listed in creditsа
Jess Robbins
Jess Robbins
Soda Vendor, not listed in credits
Leo White
Leo White
Idler in the Park, not listed in credits


David Shepard
David Shepard
видео-продюсер: 1999
Jess Robbins
Jess Robbins
продюсер, not listed in credits

