Plot Summary

Multi-part epic about the revolutionary movement of Russian textile for many years. The events of the first series ("Royal mercy") belong to the period of the reign of Emperor Alexander I. the Workers, brutally exploited by factory owners, were dying from overwork and injustice. One day a drunken master demanded for the wife of one of the workers. The woman resisted, and the wizard threw it out the window. This outrage was the final straw for the workers. They directed walkers to Peter, hoping for Royal favor. But the "king-father" gave them whips and link. The events of the second series ("Comrade Moiseenko") occur 70 years later, during the reign of Alexander II. The development of Russian industry had not improved the situation of the workers. Again with a naive faith in the mercy of the autocrat sent the workers his representative Moiseenko. The messenger of the workers was arrested, but soon released: the king considered it inappropriate to alienate the working people... The third series ("From circles to the party") covers the events of 1895. In Moscow began the strike, led by professional revolutionary Moiseenko. Under his leadership, grew increasingly revolutionary movement among the textile workers. After the suppression of the first broke new strike. But it was suppressed by the police. Followed by arrests, exile, executions... The fourth series (the"First Soviet of workers 'deputies") talks about the appearance in July of 1905 in Ivanovo-Voznesensk the first Council of workers ' deputies, called to overthrow the autocracy. The elected representatives of the people put forward the slogan of struggle against the tsarist government by armed insurrection. Fifth series (1905) dedicated to the armed revolt of workers in 1905. Sixth series ("From defeat to victory") begins with the Lena events that caused a new upsurge of the revolutionary movement. Further depicted events associated with the First world war, February and October revolutions.

Did You Know?

The film has not survived.

The first Soviet serial film, in which more than two episodes.