
Ben Turpin
Ben Turpin
Prince Nikolo
Madeline Hurlock
Madeline Hurlock
Madeline - Lady-in-Waiting
Dave Morris
Dave Morris
Grand Duke Ludwig
Blanche Payson
Blanche Payson
Hilda - Princess of Amazonia
Yorke Sherwood
Yorke Sherwood
Jake - King of Jestphalia
Sunshine Hart
Sunshine Hart
Katinka - Queen of Jestphalia
Danny O'Shea
Danny O'Shea
Baron Borax
William McCall
William McCall
Minister of War
Art Rowlands
Art Rowlands
James Donnelly
James Donnelly
Man in Apron, not listed in credits
George Gray
George Gray
Valet, not listed in credits
Thelma Parr
Thelma Parr
Party Girl, not listed in creditsа
Bud Ross
Bud Ross
Valet, not listed in credits

