
Silver King the Horse
Silver King the Horse
Silver - the Lone Ranger's Horse
Frank McGlynn Sr.
Frank McGlynn Sr.
Abraham Lincoln [Ch. 1]
Ted Adams
Ted Adams
Drake / Trooper, not listed in credits
Philip Armenta
Philip Armenta
Dark Cloud, not listed in credits
John Baaca
John Baaca
Rancher, not listed in credits
John Bacon
John Bacon
Rancher, not listed in credits
Griff Barnett
Griff Barnett
Rancher, not listed in credits
Hank Bell
Hank Bell
Wagon Train Man (Ch. 1), хроника, not listed in credits
Leon Bellas
Leon Bellas
Rancher, not listed in credits
Billy Bletcher
Billy Bletcher
Lone Ranger, voice acting, not listed in credits
Dick Botiller
Dick Botiller
Texan (Ch. 15), not listed in credits
John Brahme
John Brahme
Trooper, not listed in credits
John Bristol
John Bristol
Trooper, not listed in credits
Jerry Brown
Jerry Brown
Trooper, not listed in credits
Forest Burns
Forest Burns
Trooper, not listed in credits
Fred Burns
Fred Burns
Texan (Ch. 15), not listed in credits
Bob Card
Bob Card
Fort Defender (Ch. 2), not listed in credits
Bill Carrasco
Bill Carrasco
Rancher, not listed in credits
Jack Casey
Jack Casey
Trooper, not listed in credits
Allan Cavan
Allan Cavan
Maj. Brennan, not listed in credits
Frank Chrysler
Frank Chrysler
Rancher, not listed in credits
Edmund Cobb
Edmund Cobb
Capt. Rance (Ch. 1), not listed in credits
Inez Cody
Inez Cody
Indian Woman, not listed in creditsа
Iron Eyes Cody
Iron Eyes Cody
Bullet-Bringer (Ch. 7), not listed in credits
J.W. Cody
J.W. Cody
Running Elk (Ch. 6), not listed in credits
Ken Cooper
Ken Cooper
Trooper, not listed in credits
Al Delmar
Al Delmar
Trooper, not listed in credits
Ed Diaz
Ed Diaz
Rancher, not listed in credits
Art Dillard
Art Dillard
Morgan Henchman (Ch. 11), not listed in credits
Bert Dillard
Bert Dillard
Trooper, not listed in credits
Curley Dresden
Curley Dresden
Trooper, not listed in credits
Ray Elliott
Ray Elliott
Trooper, not listed in credits
Frank Ellis
Frank Ellis
Morgan Henchman (Ch. 11), not listed in credits
Arturo Feliz
Arturo Feliz
Trooper, not listed in credits
Jerry Frank
Jerry Frank
Trooper, not listed in credits
Wendle Gill
Wendle Gill
Rancher, not listed in creditsа
John Goodwin
John Goodwin
Trooper, not listed in credits
Duke Green
Duke Green
Cell Block Guard, not listed in credits
Oscar Hancock
Oscar Hancock
Rancher, not listed in credits
Jack Hendricks
Jack Hendricks
Trooper, not listed in credits
Buck Hires
Buck Hires
Rancher, not listed in credits
Jimmy Hollywood
Jimmy Hollywood
Cell Block Guard, not listed in credits
Wesley Hopper
Wesley Hopper
Trooper, not listed in credits
Reed Howes
Reed Howes
Lt. Brown (Ch. 8), not listed in credits
Henry Isabell
Henry Isabell
Trooper, not listed in credits
Walter James
Walter James
Joe Cannon (Ch. 11), not listed in credits
Chuck Jennings
Chuck Jennings
Trooper, not listed in credits
Glen Johnson
Glen Johnson
Trooper, not listed in credits
Gunner Johnson
Gunner Johnson
Trooper, not listed in credits
Billy Jones
Billy Jones
Trooper, not listed in credits
Eddie Juaregui
Eddie Juaregui
Trooper, not listed in credits
Jane Keckley
Jane Keckley
Mrs. Clark, not listed in creditsа
Roy Kennedy
Roy Kennedy
Rancher, not listed in credits
Charles King
Charles King
Morley, not listed in credits
Jack Kirk
Jack Kirk
Texan (Ch. 3) / Henchman (Ch. 11), not listed in credits
Bob Kortman
Bob Kortman
Trooper (Ch. 1), хроника, not listed in credits
Ralph LaFevre
Ralph LaFevre
Trooper, not listed in credits
Edna Lawrence
Edna Lawrence
Marina, not listed in creditsа
Tracy Layne
Tracy Layne
Trooper, хроника, not listed in credits
Ike Lewin
Ike Lewin
Trooper, not listed in credits
Frank Leyva
Frank Leyva
Trooper, not listed in credits
Al Lorenzen
Al Lorenzen
Trooper, not listed in credits
Harry Mack
Harry Mack
Trooper, not listed in credits
Mary MacLaren
Mary MacLaren
Woman on Wagon (Ch. 1), хроника, not listed in creditsа
Murdock MacQuarrie
Murdock MacQuarrie
Matt Clark, not listed in credits
George Magrill
George Magrill
Sentry, not listed in credits
George Mari
George Mari
Pepito, not listed in credits
Millard McGowan
Millard McGowan
Gunman, not listed in credits
Lafe McKee
Lafe McKee
Murdered Rancher (Ch. 1), хроника, not listed in credits
Elmer Napier
Elmer Napier
Trooper, not listed in credits
Henry Olivas
Henry Olivas
Rancher, not listed in credits
Post Park
Post Park
Trooper, not listed in credits
George Plues
George Plues
Trooper, not listed in credits
Perry Pratt
Perry Pratt
Rancher, not listed in credits
Loren Riebe
Loren Riebe
Trooper, not listed in credits
Al Rimpau
Al Rimpau
Trooper, not listed in credits
Vinegar Roan
Vinegar Roan
Trooper, not listed in credits
Jack Rockwell
Jack Rockwell
Regan, not listed in credits
Carl Saxe
Carl Saxe
Sentry, not listed in credits
Francis Sayles
Francis Sayles
Carpetbagger (Ch. 1), not listed in credits
John Slater
John Slater
Trooper, not listed in credits
George St. Leon
George St. Leon
Trooper, not listed in credits
Burl Tatum
Burl Tatum
Trooper, not listed in credits
Duke Taylor
Duke Taylor
Trooper, not listed in credits
Charles Thomas
Charles Thomas
Blake (Ch. 7), not listed in credits
Bobby Thompson
Bobby Thompson
Trooper, not listed in credits
Slim Whitaker
Slim Whitaker
Perkins (Ch. 6 & 7), not listed in credits
Charles Williams
Charles Williams
Cub Reporter, not listed in credits
Walter Wilson
Walter Wilson
Rancher, not listed in credits
Shorty Woods
Shorty Woods
Trooper, not listed in credits
Ben Wright
Ben Wright
Rancher, not listed in credits
Bill Yrigoyen
Bill Yrigoyen
Trooper, not listed in credits
Joe Yrigoyen
Joe Yrigoyen
Trooper, not listed in credits


Robert M. Beche
Robert M. Beche
Sol C. Siegel
Sol C. Siegel
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